
Showing posts with the label Charge

How to Charge a Laptop without a Charger (3 Best Ways)

  Do you know that you can charge your laptop battery to the brim without the Laptop charger? Yes, it is possible. This article will teach you the different ways on  how to charge a laptop without a charger cord . Imagine your laptop charger got damaged, or you went out for a weekend, holiday, camping to enjoy and be with friends. Play PC games, stream movies/videos online, work, chat and have fun; Then, you go with your  Laptop , as that is the only thing that makes you feel at home when you are away from home. Oops! While unpacking your bag and loads, you find out that you are not with your laptop charger, and now you have only a 10% charge left. Immediately, you have to conclude that this trip will not be funny again and interesting for you. No, don’t conclude yet! There is a way out. You won’t believe it. You can still charge your laptop battery without using the laptop charger, and it is easy to do that. I will show you the three simple ways on  how to charge a ...