What are the best healthy tips for 2022

 What are the best health tips for 2021.

Here are some simple Heath tips for 2021 .that you can apply in your daily routine and stay health and safe .if your apply these tips in your daily routine you must be healthy and smart . So don't miss this article must read it .it is very useful for your over all health .and keep up your body healthy .engegd it your daily dait and routine .bacuse every one want to Bea healthy and fit .I will tell some useful tips for your health .

1 eat healthy foods 

2 eat nuts 
3 eat pulses
4 aviod sugar and salt .
5 use less suger and salt 
6 Do excersice regularly 

7.plyaing driferent games such as cricket ,football,women can play tennis in the home .
8.drink more water at least 8 or 10 glass daily .
9. get enough sleep .
10 .use fresh fruits and leafy vegetables .

11 .avoid soft drinks .
12.eat fatty fishes .
13 don't,t fear coffee.
14 aviod smoking .
15.drinks before meals .
16.Reduce fast foods.
17 .take bath daily 
18 .don't drugsabuses .
19 .drinks healthy juice like banana juice ,orange ,apply juice etc.

20.eat one apple daily .
21 . Get tested .
22 .check your blood pressure regularly .
23 .cunsult your doctor .
24 Be active .
25 .eat healthy diet .
25 reduce suger ,salt 
26 .purchase suger free items from the market .
26 .get up early in the morning .
27 .avoid chemecal things ,such as chemecal cream ,shampoo ,etc ,
28 .protect your body from heat .
29  apply natural ingredints to your skin .

30 .eat vegetables like pumpkin,cocumber ,better caured ,etc 

Apply these 
Stay healthy 
And be happy 
Enjoy your life .

Follow us for more intersting health information .

( Http:// healthinformation1997.com )


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