What does the circular dot symbol mean in a Samsung AC remote?


What does the circular dot symbol mean in a Samsung AC remote?

I'm going to show you how to properly set a temperature it's called the ring of the temperature for each mode now let's start with the commode commode this adjustment is from 16 to 13 degrees Isis so now I go in to the maximum it's only 30 degrees Isis and then I dropped to the lowest point 16 degrees assist and for the dry mode try mode is different from the commode you can only drop to the lowest only about 18 and maximum decrease the maximum temperature high is 34 the friend mode you cannot adjust the temperature only work for little friends feet and another mode is hitting some model not work with this heating function one oh let's see heating can adjust to the lowest is 16 degrees Isis and highest is 13 degrees Isis also for the auto mode it can go in drop to the lowest is 16 and the highest is 13 and then back to the cold again okay everyone thank you for your time watching my video I hope this we all let you know something more about the setting temperature of your Samsung air-conditioner remote controller thank you everyone and have a good day this makes 


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